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Apr 25, 2024 04:17:07
ស្ព្រាយបណ្តុះសក់ Neo Hair Lotion 120ml
Auction type: Buy Now Only
Number of items: 10
Seller location: Cambodia
Ends within: 2007 days, 5 hours
(23 Oct, 2029 - 10:05)
Shipping fee: Free
Buy Now: 82,000 KHR Buy Now
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🌀 ស្ព្រាយបណ្តុះសក់ Neo Hair Lotion​ ជាប្រភេទទេកថ្នាំជួយដល់ការបណ្តុះសក់ ព្យាបាលកោសិកាសក់ដែលខូច​ បំបាត់សក់ស្តើង 
សក់ជ្រុះ ឆក ទំពែក និងជម្ងឺស្បែកក្បាលផ្សេងៗ។
🎯 ផ្សំពីសារធាតុសំខាន់ៗដូចជា៖
🔘 White Ginseng Extract
🔘 Cantaloupe Extract
🔘 Saw Palmetto Extract
🔘 Hair Treatment Wax

🎯 អត្ថប្រយោជន៌មានដូចជា៖
☑️ កាត់បន្ថយសក់ស្កូវ និងបណ្តុះសក់ខ្មៅឡើងវិញ
☑️ ការពារសក់ជ្រុះ
☑️ បណ្តុះសក់បន្ថែម និងរក្សាស្ថេរភាពនៃសក់
☑️​ ព្យាបាលសក់និងស្បែកក្បាលរមាស់ មានផ្សិតជាដើម
☑️​ ការពារសក់ខូចដោយសា ក្លរីន អំបិល ឬកំដៅថ្ងៃ
☑️​ រក្សាសំណើមលើស្បែកក្បាល និងការពារសក់បែកចុង

👉 វិធីប្រើ៖  ប្រើស្ព្រាយ Neo Hair Lotion​ នៅលើសក់ និងស្បែកក្បាលពីរដងក្នុងមួយថ្ងៃ ប្រើបានមុន និងក្រោយពេលធ្វើម៉ូតសក់។
ក្នុងកំឡុងពេលប្រើ Neo Hair Lotion ត្រូវកក់សក់ជាមួយសាប៊ូកក់សក់កូនក្មេងដែលមិនមានសារជាតិកាត់ដែលធ្វើអោយខូចពន្លកសក់។

ℹ️ More Information:
+ Imported: Thailand
+​​ FDA Reg. No.: 10-1-6200028780
+ Quantity per box:50
+ Size: 120 ml
☎️ 099 888 023 | 066 888 023 | 093 808 023
📧 [email protected]

Nature is the solution!
Result Oriented and Cost Effective Hair Loss Treatment

🎯 Green Wealth Neo Hair Lotion is Natural, Effective & Most trusted Hair Lost Treatment product from 
the Natural Reserves of Thailand, Neo Hair Lotion uses the ancient home remedies for hait loss. 
It is based on natural ingredients and backed by science & herbal techniques using the base Cucumis Melo Extract, Saw Palmeto 
Ginseng Radix, Equistume Arvense Extract & more. Ecofirendly approches which are GMP & FDA Certified.

☑️ Cucumis Melo Extract!
Neo Hair Lotion uses Cumis Melo Extract which is a form of Vitamin B which is required to prevent hair loss and promote
hair growth. This vitamin is mostly in citrus fruits except for lemons. Cantaloupe which is also known as Cucumis Melo Extract
is well used in Neo Hair Lotion and regular usage stimulates hair growth.

☑️ Saw Palmentto!
Saw palmetto is a natural remedy used to treat hair loss. It's a plant with small berries that has been used by 
Native Americans as medicine and food for hundreds of years. An extract of saw palmetto berries blocks 5-alpha reducase, 
and enzyme that coverts testosterone to DHt. DHT is the molecule responsive for hair Loss.

☑️ Equisetum Arvense Extract!
Also Known as horsetail promotes healthy hair based on its silicon content, impact on collagen, antioxidant 
properties. Horse Tail in Neo Hair Lotion has natural silica which prosides resistance to hair breaking, improved hair strength and growth.
It is usedful for cleaning, reduces dandruff and boosts scalp cuirculation. It also stops hairs loss and generate new hair growth.

☑️ Ginseng Radix Alba!
Ginseng is traditionally used as an important herbal medicine. Red ginseng is extracted from the steamed root of Korean
ginseng and has vaious health benefits. It is used for treating numerous hair diseases such as AGA and AA due to its promothing hair growth acivily.
Ginsenoside Rg3 had upregulated the expression of VEGF in human dermal popilla cells and mouse hair follicles.

Honey Extract!
Most of us are familiar with honey, the sweet, syrupy product of bee pollination. A common ingredient in both sweet and savory recipes, it has also long been used as a therapeutic ingredient in traditional medicine.
Honey is a popular natural hair ingredient because of its many dermatological benefits. Here we’ll look at 10 reasons to use honey on your hair, including for hair growth, to prevent hair breakage, and more.
1. Honey for hair growth
2. Honey for hair conditioning
3. Honey for hair shine
4. Honey for hair lightening
5. Honey for hair breakage
6. Honey for hair loss
7. Honey for hair removal
8. Honey for natural hair
9. Honey for a healthy scalp
10. Honey for conditions that affect hair

Additional Information

Country: KambolCambodia(12352)
Shipping conditions: Pick up only, International shipping
Shipping terms:  សេវាកម្មដឹកជញ្ជូន 25 ខេត្តក្រុងុ
International Shipping please contact Seller for more information.

Payment methods: Bank Transfer, Money Gram, Wing Bank, Acleda Bank, ABA Bank

Auction started: 25 Oct, 2023 - 10:05
Auction ends: 23 Oct, 2029 - 10:05
Auction ID: 1007

Item category: All > Beauty & Personal Care > Hair Care
Second Category: All > Brands > Thai Brands > Greenwealth